
Georgeville, Cayo District

Last night we moved in with our host families and all of the apprehensions that I once had are no longer.  My family is great and I am with another volunteer.  Our host mom, Miss Elizabeth is a great cook and she has promised to show me how to make homemade tortillas.  I am picking up a little bit of Creole and its aarite.

Today we traveled to Georgeville for our first little bit of independence.  So far our time has been very structured, but this gave us a chance to experience a very small village in a small group.  We were just given the name of the village and an assignment.  It was fun to find the bus, take the bus, find the village, meet people in the village and learn about the people.  It sounds hard, but the people here are so open that it was quite easy to find people willing to talk with us. 

I am trying to keep my photos updated, but sometimes it is hard to keep up with things and life.  Back to world cup soccer, this town is all about Brazil. 

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