
On the eve

Hello all and a Feliz Navidad
I made it to Antigua, bad Spanish and all.  It was not too dramatic,though I did have a bit of time changing money in Guatemala city.  I will update more completely later, but I am doing well and will spend this evening with peeps from the hostel, feasting on vegetarian delights and overlooking one of the most beautiful spots I have been to in Central America.
Best wishes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello shella! It is wierd not to see you at christmas! I think of you very often, and am very jealous of your adventures! Me and the kids are great. Darien lettered in Football, Lauren has two loose teeth, Kyle is back in Seattle, I am still at David's. I hope you make it through the Holidays with out being too home sick. Enjoy yourself, have a great year!
Hap. & Gang