
The Times

Here are the final times for the 3 peace corps teams (my team "won" but not by much).

Place Time
Day 4
54 3:44:35 The Real Macaw Paddlers
59 3:59:05 Peace Corps Northern
67 4:08:32 Hairy Posse

Day 3
63 5:46:40 The Real Macaw Paddlers
69 5:54:45 Peace Corps Northern
76 6:11:55 Hairy Posse

Day 2
63 9:25:30 Peace Corps Northern
68 9:40:04 The Real Macaw Paddlers
86 10:34:07 Hairy Posse

Day 1
39 7:35:31 The Real Macaw Paddlers
38 7:20:39 Peace Corps Northern
45 7:59:38 Hairy Posse

Total Times

Northmen 26:39:59
Real Macaw 26:46:50
Hairy Posse 28:54:12

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