I just returned from spending a week and a half in Belize City, which after 5 solid weeks in the bush is quite a culture shock of its own. Three months ago I would have hardly called Belize City the center of civilization, but entering the bustling metropolis I couldn't help but recall Eddie Murphy's character in Coming To America (I didn't go out and buy any leopard print rugs or hot-tubs though).
Staying out past midnight, eating pizza, good chinese (which is distinct from bad chinese in this country), and Indian food, and watching the season premiere of Grey's Anatomy all added to the mystic. Not to mention that I was able to see my mother and step-dad as they were in the neighborhood thanks to Carnival Cruise Line. They rewarded my 3 months in this crazy little country with a full suitcase of goodies, not least among the stash were two jars of fresh raspberry jam, which I am now selfishly hoarding until I am able to make pancakes.
Now I am back in Blue Creek and rumor has it that I may soon have internet access, perhaps in my house. I am not going to hold my breath, but it would be nice. This week my agenda includes: meeting with the village chairman, the Alcalde (another leader), the PTA chairman, and the principal of the primary school. I am planning a meeting with the entire village for sometime in October, which will most definitely include some primo use of PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal) techniques. Long term plans are starting to get more defined. Here are some plans for Blue Creek and the future:
* Health and HIV education - you wouldn't think a Mayan village would need this, but with no knowledge of birth control and men seeking work in the resort towns, this has become a major issues.
* Adult literacy - I would venture to guess that at least half of the people in my village can not read or write. Most adults never went beyond grade 6, so this will be a big task.
* Craft/women's group - Once I can bring the women together to talk about health, I want to raise the issue of forming a craft cooperative to take advantage of the tourism that frequents this place.
* Library - Like every good peace corps volunteer that has ever come before me, I will probably be working with the library. Look forward to me begging for books in the near future.
Thanks for reading and I love you all.
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