
deja vu

All you Weather Channel junkies out there may have noticed that another fat storm is on its way to Belize.  This one looks a little meaner and a little more direct than Dean, woo hoo.  I am not at all happy about having to pack up my house, leave my cat and 3 week old kitten, and make my way up to the capital after being back in my village all of 3 days.  The last hurricane evacuation coincided with a training event, so I was out of Blue Creek for 2 weeks.  I will be in Belmopan by Tuesday AM, once again eating tuna with soda crackers for breakfast lunch and dinner as 60 Peace Corps volunteers explore the many forms of boredom while locked into a creep Chinese hotel together.  Good stories, unfortunately none of them suitable for web publishing. 

I will update if I can, but keep me and all of my Belizean friends in your thoughts during this next week.

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